Engaging with Your Readers, Part II - EditionGuard

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Engaging with Your Readers, Part II

Mitch Woodhead

October 23, 2013

As an ebook author, you have a unique opportunity to connect with your readers and gain perspective on your writing while also extending thanks to those who have supported your success. In our last post, we discussed engaging with your readers on a local level, through your local library and media outlets. But many of your readers will come from around the world, and reaching them in the virtual realm will be important. We conclude our two-part series on how to connect with your readers by discussing digital engagement. To reach readers in the digital space, regardless of where they live, you have a wide variety of options:
  • Host a Google+ chat
  • Host a Twitter chat with a dedicated hashtag
  • Create a website, forum or Facebook page that allows interaction with your fans
Virtually engaging with readers is quite easy, since you’re likely at your computer most of the time anyway. You can easily reply to emails from readers. (We suggest setting up a special account so that you can limit access to your personal email address.) As well, you can participate in social media chats and online forums. Anything that puts you in front of your reader is going to benefit you as an ebook author. Readers enjoy connecting with authors of the books they read. Goodreads and other online book clubs offer another way to engage with your readers. Whether you participate in an interview or online chat, making yourself accessible can be one of the best ways you can boost your ebook sales. Have you had any luck engaging with your readers online? Let us know what worked for you!

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