In today’s day and age, eBooks are still holding their own against print books. eBooks are easily available on any mobile device and laptop, and consumers love the ease with which they can be purchased and read. However, it’s not enough to convert your eBook into a PDF and place it on electronic shelves. You still have to capture the attention of your readers at first glance if you want your eBook to sell.
Invest in a Cover
Presentation is everything, and your eBook is not complete until you’ve had an incredible cover created. If you want readers to even consider your eBook, they need to be compelled by the cover to stop and take a look at it. Your eBook has to look interesting enough to peruse. And don’t feel bad about splurging on an artist or graphics expert to help you create a compelling cover; the extra expense is definitely worth it in the long run.
Title with Care
First impressions do make a difference, so in addition to catching the eye of your reader with a fantastic cover, your title should draw them in even further. Where the cover entertains the senses, the title entertains the imagination. Take your time to develop a title that truly summarizes your content and creates an irresistible pull to adventure further. (And make sure other indie authors haven’t also used that title.)
Don’t Ignore What’s Inside
Beyond the cover and title, there is one last piece of presentation that is often overlooked: how the book itself is laid out. People read on different devices and have the ability to adjust the size of the print, so keep the text simple and be sure to include a hyperlinked table of contents as well as links back to the table of contents from every chapter.
At the end of the eBook, be sure to include links to your social media so that your readers can connect with you. Also, be sure to invite them to review your eBook.