The Biggest eBook Mistakes - EditionGuard

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The Biggest eBook Mistakes

Mitch Woodhead

May 16, 2014

The biggest eBook mistakes – the ones that cause readers to stop reading and move on to the next author or skip your eBook entirely – have less to do with what format you choose or what your cover looks like and more to do with grammar. Yes, simple grammar errors can make readers think that you didn’t take the time or effort to give them quality material, and because most writers know they need to offer a preview of their eBook to cultivate a following, you can actually lose your audience before they’ve even made a purchase.

Fixing the Biggest eBook Mistakes

While we recommend that you put your eBook through a rigorous proofreading and editing process prior to publishing, there are some big spelling and grammar errors that catch most people up and can be avoided in the first place. This handy guide from Oxford Dictionary will help you spell better. Spelling isn’t the only mistake indie authors make, but proper grammar is a great place to start improving your eBook! More resources on writing better eBooks: Make Your Words Matter Should I Hire a Ghostwriter? 19 Quotes to Inspire Indie Authors Why Won't My eBook Sell?

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