Why Children Are the Future of eBooks - EditionGuard

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Why Children Are the Future of eBooks

Mitch Woodhead

October 30, 2013

If you have always wanted to be a children’s author, creating ebooks for kids is a huge market; in fact, we believe children are the future of ebooks. We predict that with the proliferation of low-cost ereaders and tablets that more kids than ever will have access to their own ereaders this Christmas. With some ereaders even being designed with kids in mind and the new research showing that ereaders may help kids with dyslexia, it’s a great time to be a children’s ebook author. Writing ebooks for kids is different than writing for adults. It’s not just about simplifying the grammar and keeping the topics kid-appropriate. Kids today are inundated with visual stimulation, and they expect their ebooks to not only be interesting and engaging from  literary standpoint but also to be visually stimulating, including images and graphics. To really connect with kids, consider making your children’s ebook interactive. The more you can engage with your young readers, the more likely it is they will want to continue reading your books. Beyond the design of your children’s ebook, be sure to create characters that are authentic. Kids want to be able to connect with the people they read about, so include details. With more kids than ever devouring ebooks, now is the time to turn your desire to write children’s ebooks into a reality! EditionGuard offers a great platform for marketing and selling your ebooks. Try a 30-day no-obligation trial.

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