Connect with Readers, Part 1: Virtual Connections - EditionGuard

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Connect with Readers, Part 1: Virtual Connections

Mitch Woodhead

March 24, 2015

As an indie author, one of the best ways to sell more eBooks is to connect with readers on a more personal level so that they will provide the valuable word-of-mouth advertising you need to reach more readers. Connecting with readers virtually is a great place to begin. Most of your readers will be accessible on a variety of social platforms, so there are valid reasons indie authors should use social media. There are ways to connect with readers virtually beyond social platforms. You can:
  • Send a newsletter
  • Host a podcast (or be a guest on one)
  • Publish a blog (and guest post on other blogs)
  • Respond to emails/fan mail
  • Create a YouTube channel
There are myriad ways you can connect with readers. To do so effectively, you need to make your connection less about selling eBooks and more about connecting authentically. Let your readers get to know you and your personality. Share pieces of you they won't discover by reading your author bio. Show them your personality. Be genuine. In our next post, we'll talk about ways you can connect with readers offline (in the "real" world) to help create an even deeper relationship with the people who are most likely to help you obtain even more readers. How do you connect with readers?

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