Empowering Indie Authors - EditionGuard

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Empowering Indie Authors

Mitch Woodhead

September 9, 2013

Have you already written an ebook? If so, have you had any sales? And if you were selling your ebook on Amazon or another site, was it difficult to watch such a large portion of your ebook price disappear into the pockets of the distributor? tablet-phoneHow would you like to keep all of the money you make on your ebook and have total control over the price? How would you like to have no limits placed on you in regards to where you sell, list or market your ebook and even have the ability to make your ebooks available to even more devices? EditionGuard believes in empowering indie authors to be in control of their own publishing destiny. Instead of paying 30-70% percent of your sales in commissions, you can keep 100 percent of the purchase price of the book. Instead of having to sign an agreement to keep your book listed only on a single proprietary site, you can have your book on your own website, blog or ecommerce site, integrating EditionGuard’s Adobe DRM to protect your ebooks from being illegally shared or distributed without payment. It is just as easy for your purchasers to access the books they purchase; they simply download Adobe Digital Editions software for free, download the ebook file and transfer the book to their preferred ebook reader. In the mean time, you are able to keep 100 percent of your profits, instead of sharing them with big publishing houses. EditionGuard believes in the power of the indie author. Try out EditionGuard free for 30 days and see what you think!

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