Why Every Indie Author Needs Goodreads - EditionGuard

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Why Every Indie Author Needs Goodreads

Mitch Woodhead

December 12, 2014

We're launching a new series to help indie authors get started on the social media platforms they need. Because your efforts on social media should not be merely about sales but also about networking and connecting with readers, Goodreads is crucial for all indie authors. Not only does this platform give you – for free – a place to build a profile, post blogs, and list all of your eBooks, there are also forums you can participate in, millions of readers you can connect with, and other authors you can learn from. The Goodreads Author Program is, according to the website, “a completely free feature designed to help authors reach their target audience — passionate readers. This is the perfect place for new and established authors to promote their books.”

The Goodreads Author Profile

Your free profile on Goodreads should include your photo and a bio at the very least, but you can also write blogs on Goodreads, create lists of your favorite books, publicize events, such as launch parties, cover reveals, or speaking engagements, share excerpts from your books, and answer questions from Goodreads and from readers. Learn more:
Next time, we’ll talk about Facebook for creating an author page.

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