Free Marketing for Your eBook - EditionGuard

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Free Marketing for Your eBook

Mitch Woodhead

February 26, 2014

When you’re an indie author, you don’t have an agent or a big publishing house taking on the role of marketer, which means you have to write, publish and market your eBook on your own. So, there is nothing better than finding free marketing opportunities to promote your eBooks. We have been talking about the variety of ways that you can leverage social media in order to market your eBook, but there are other free marketing opportunities you can use to get word out about your eBook. is a free advertising network for indie authors. Authors earn credits by hosting ads on their own websites. These ads can also be used to advertise on in addition to other websites, thereby creating a network of indie author advertising support that helps every indie author obtain more exposure. Every Writer Resource offers both free and paid advertising options, to promote both eBook and print books. Advertising runs from $100 to $500 per month, but listing your eBook on their site is free. If you use EditionGuard’s DRM service for selling your eBook, you can request an eBook review from us that will be posted on our highly-trafficked blog to help you gain additional exposure. You can see previous EditionGuard Presents reviews of Thieves of Eden and The Healing Patch: A Child’s Guide to Happiness. Even eBook writers on a budget can benefit from free marketing. Take advantage of every opportunity you can find to market your eBook. Let us know if we can help!

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