Improve Your eBook Visibility, Part 2 - EditionGuard

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Improve Your eBook Visibility, Part 2

Mitch Woodhead

December 19, 2013

This is the second part in a four-part series on creating enhanced visibility for your ebook through a variety of easy and cost-effective measures, thereby helping you increase sales in 2014. When striving for better ebook visibility, you should not rely solely on the description of your ebook to do the work for you. You should also flesh out your biography. Whether you have an “about the author” page on your website or use social media platforms to help promote yourself as an indie author (and hopefully you are doing both), you should create a well-polished about-the-author description of yourself. If your book is non-fiction, your bio should include detailed information about the skills, experience and education that provide you with the knowledge and expertise in the subject matter about which you’ve chosen to write. Always include information about yourself, using your name and the title of the book, as well as some descriptive information about the book itself. In our next post, we will explore how building a better website can help you improve your ebook visibility.

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