Should I Join an Indie Author Group? - EditionGuard

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Should I Join an Indie Author Group?

Mitch Woodhead

July 23, 2014

Indie authors benefit from the digital publishing revolution by being able to bring their eBooks to market without the hoop-jumping required of print book authors, but being an indie author can feel rather isolating. Instead of having agents and publishers at your beck and call, you are pretty much going it alone, and that can be frustrating. Writing is already an independent effort, and devoid of outside support, it can be easy to feel disconnected from the rest the world.

Why Join an Indie Author Group

Joining an indie author group is one of the best ways to overcome feelings of isolation as an indie author. In fact, there are several indie author groups designed to provide support and guidance so that you can have better success with your independent publishing. Connecting with other indie authors can help you realize you’re not alone. You may discover opportunities to collaborate; you may discover indie authors who have experienced the challenges you are facing and have ideas and suggestions to help. You will definitely discover that it is easier to keep up with trends, find encouragement and have access to more promotional opportunities by being involved in author groups. Next time, we’ll go over some of the more prominent indie author groups to help you decide which one(s) you should join, should you choose to do so.

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