How to Market Your eBook on LinkedIn - EditionGuard

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How to Market Your eBook on LinkedIn

Mitch Woodhead

February 18, 2014

linkedUnless you are writing a book that is not directly associated with your professional identity, you should market your eBook on LinkedIn. If your eBook is considered adult erotica and you feel it would take away from your professional image, or if you have written something highly political that might prevent you from networking or obtaining employment in the industry you desire, then LinkedIn might not be the perfect fit for your marketing efforts. However, if you are an indie author and writing is your primary effort, then marketing your eBooks on LinkedIn can provide you with additional exposure. You can market your eBook in multiple ways, but one of the most important ways to market your eBook on LinkedIn is to add a “publication” section to your profile and list your eBook in the publication section. That allows you to include a book title and description, along with an image and a link to where people can buy your eBook. To further promote your eBooks on LinkedIn, consider joining indie author and digital publishing groups in which you can contribute. There are groups for every writing genre; here are a few groups to get you started:
You can also follow EditionGuard on LinkedIn, under our developer name Kodelite, for more insight into eBook writing, marketing and publishing.

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