NaNoWriMo is a movement that has gained popularity over the years, helping fiction writers complete their books – 50,000 words – in a single month. Given that procrastination is one of the major reasons writers fail to become published authors, we applaud NaNoWriMo’s efforts to encourage writers. Their mantra says it all: “The world needs your novel.”
We agree!
Even though November 1 has past, it’s not too late to sign up with
NaNoWriMo and participate by trying to write your own ebook. More than 220,000 aspiring writers have already signed up to participate. By signing up, you can connect with other writers, receive motivational pep talks and be encouraged to complete your novel.
Even if you don’t actually complete your novel by the end of the month, this program encourages you to make progress on your work, by inspiring you and motivating you to stick with your writing.
Our tips for successfully participating in NaNoWriMo:
- Set aside time to write every day. Schedule the time on your calendar and make yourself unavailable.
- Turn off your phone, log off of Facebook and disconnect from any of the distractions that will keep you from focusing on your writing.
- Don’t be hard on yourself if you don’t make a daily writing goal. Just keep pressing forward.
- If you can’t complete your ebook by the end of November, don’t stop!
Are you participating in NaNoWriMo? Share your story with us!