Overcoming the Fear of Writing an eBook - EditionGuard

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Overcoming the Fear of Writing an eBook

Mitch Woodhead

November 6, 2013

Many aspiring writers never put pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard) out of a fear of rejection. ePublishing is changing that, because authors no longer need to get the stamp of approval from a publishing company that looks at the work merely in terms of profitability, instead of judging it potentially as a quality piece of writing. But overcoming the fear of writing an ebook can be difficult all the same. How do you overcome that fear, though? While we believe everyone who has the passion for writing should simply jump in and start putting words down, sometimes it helps to start with a blog, if you’re not ready to face the challenge of an ebook. A blog allows you to write a little at a time over a period. This relieves the pressure, giving you the opportunity to discover your voice and improve your writing talent. You can even turn your blog into an ebook using a WordPress plugin if you want. We can’t eliminate your fear of rejection, but we do encourage you to give writing a try. Today’s digital-publishing platforms, along with the ubiquity of ereaders, provide you with a wide audience for your ebooks. What’s holding you back from starting an ebook? Let us know! ImageSource: DaSh factor

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