WordPress Plugins for Indie Authors, Part 1: Visibility - EditionGuard

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WordPress Plugins for Indie Authors, Part 1: Visibility

Mitch Woodhead

March 5, 2014

One of the easiest and most powerful website and blog builders for indie authors to use is WordPress. If you’re planning on building your eBook marketing website in WordPress, there are several plugins you can take advantage of to help make marketing your eBook even easier. These are our favorites:

Optimize Your Content with SEO by Yoast

SEO by Yoast is a great tool for getting the most out of all the content you put on your site. This SEO plugin helps make sure you’ve used keywords properly in the title and description, to make what you post visible.

Make Your Content Shareable with Shareaholic

Shareaholic makes it easy for your readers to share your blog posts on Twitter, Facebook and other social media platforms. News about your eBooks can then travel even further and reach a larger audience.

Keep Older Posts Alive with Tweet Old Post

If you’ve been blogging regularly for any length of time, Tweet Old Post can help keep your older content in front of your Twitter following, allowing you to market your eBook on social media without you having to do anything more than install the plugin and set the parameters. Next time, we’ll discuss the plugins you can use to sell your eBook and accept payments.

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