Write Your First eBook, Part 1: Getting Started - EditionGuard

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Write Your First eBook, Part 1: Getting Started

Mitch Woodhead

March 12, 2014

Getting started on writing your first eBook can be challenging, but sometimes it’s simply a matter of sitting down and writing. In fact, if you really want to write an eBook, try this brief exercise right now: Shut off your cell phone. Close Facebook. Open Word, Notepad, Google Docs or whatever software utility you use to write. Grab a pen and paper if that’s what works best for you. Now look at the clock. From whatever time it is, give yourself ten minutes. Allow this time for yourself with no rules and no expectations governing what you will write. Just start writing. Don’t edit yourself; don’t worry about the direction the story is taking; don’t even think about details. If you can’t think of anything to write, start typing your grocery shopping list. The point is to just start – to create that connection between your mind and your fingers and let your stream of consciousness push through. You might be surprised at what you are able to pour out on paper when you stop worrying about the how, what, when and where of it all. And, if this freestyle writing exercise didn’t work for you, don’t worry. We have several other ideas to help you get started and write your first eBook.

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