Indie Author Tools: Evernote - EditionGuard

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Indie Author Tools: Evernote

Mitch Woodhead

September 17, 2015

evernote_logo_center_4c-lrgIn every job, professionals use tools of the trade, and authors are no different. In this series, we will explore the indie author tools that can help make you a better, more efficient writer. Evernote is an organizational and collaboration tool that is available in both free (basic) and paid versions. Evernote proclaims,"For everything you’ll do, Evernote is the workspace to get it done." It can be a powerful indie author tool, providing not only a space to write and revise but a place to collect images, thoughts, files, and notes in one place. You can share your files with others, and you can communicate with others through Evernote. For an indie author working with cover artists, proofreaders, editors, and other colleagues, it can be an invaluable tool for keeping everyone on the same page. Use it to:
  • Write your eBook
  • Develop your characters
  • Collaborate with other authors
  • Collect your research
  • Obtain feedback
Perhaps the most useful thing about Evernote is that you can access your files from anywhere, on any device, so if you start writing your eBook on your laptop but get a great idea while out and about, you can log in from your smartphone and add your notes. The basic edition of Evernote is free; there are two tiers to the paid version, currently at $24.99 per month and $49.99 per month. What indie author tools do you rely on?

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