12 Factors to Consider for Your eBook Cover - EditionGuard

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12 Factors to Consider for Your eBook Cover

Mitch Woodhead

October 18, 2014

We've been discussing the importance of having a good eBook cover design for your eBook. Use this checklist to make sure you are considering all of the factors you need to include to have the best possible eBook cover.

eBook Cover Design Checklist

Is the title of the eBook clearly visible? Does the image convey the feeling/meaning you intend? Is the author's byline on the cover of the eBook and easy to read? Does the eBook cover make you want to know more about the eBook? Does the eBook cover image convey meaning without spoiling the story or ruining the reader's imagination? Did you choose an image you won't get sued for using? In other words, did you pay for a licensed image? Did you keep the design simple and clean, using only a few colors? Do your color choices complement each other? Is your eBook cover too busy? Sometimes less is more. Have you used clean, readable fonts? It's best to stick with the standard fonts. Have you used the eBook cover space well? You don't have to use every bit of open space, but how you use it should be appealing. Have you hired a professional to help you? It is an inexpensive investment that has the ability to offer a big payoff. Your eBook cover can attract interest, and it is the first and sometimes only impression you get to make with the reader. Make it count.

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