Cover Reveal, Editorial Reviews and Launch Party - EditionGuard

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Cover Reveal, Editorial Reviews and Launch Party

Mitch Woodhead

August 6, 2014

What You Need to Do before Your eBook is Published

The big day is finally more than a distant hope. You can see the light at the end of the tunnel and you know you are close to finishing your eBook. So, NOW is the time to start promoting the eBook. Don’t wait until after the book is published. You should be planning cover reveal events, soliciting for editorial reviews and planning a launch party.

Market Your eBook Now

You can begin to market your eBook before it is published – up to a year prior to publishing, in fact. But when you’re in the home stretch, you need to make sure to put as much focus and effort as you do anything else into making your potential readers aware of the eBook. Since you need to focus on writing, it may mean that you must outsource your eBook marketing. We recommend having a professional branding-and-visibility person help you market your eBook.

Building Excitement for Your eBook: The Cover Reveal

There are a number of different ways you can build excitement for your upcoming eBook, from holding a cover reveal event to hosting a blog tour. A cover reveal event can be a great way to build excitement for the eBook, like allowing your readers to peak behind the curtain. But that means you need to have a cover worthy of attention. If you have not yet done so, start working with a designer to create the perfect cover. You don’t necessarily need to spend a fortune. Publishing Insider has a great article about the importance of eBook covers. Next time, we’ll talk about how to create excitement about your cover reveal.

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