At EditionGuard, we're always looking for ways to make it easier for you to sell more eBooks and help you work smarter, not harder, to market and sell the eBooks you write or represent. To that end, we have integrated EditionGuard with
Zapier, an app that allows you to automate workflows by creating
Zaps. Zaps are automations created using
Triggers and
Actions. You can use Zaps to connect any two Zapier-supported apps to each other.
Example Zaps
- Tell EditionGuard to email a download link when a row is added to a Google Sheets document
- Have an SMS sent to you through Twilio when an eBook is downloaded from your account
Zapier Delivers More Power
Because EditionGuard is committed to making it easier for you to integrate your service with as many platforms as possible, we've partnered with Zapier to bring you easier-than-ever integrations - hundreds of integration possibilities with an easy, point-and-click UI. You don't need to know a lot of code, and Zapier connects with many useful tools, such as MailChimp, Google Docs, Evernote, Twitter, and PayPal.
Before we go live with the EditionGuard integration, we'd like to invite you to participate in our beta program, so that you can see the possibilities and test things out. Please follow the link below to get access to our Zapier beta integration:
When connecting your EditionGuard account to Zapier, you'll be asked for an auth token. This token can be found on your EditionGuard dashboard page, it's labeled as the Rest API Token. After your EditionGuard and Zapier accounts are connected, you can connect other app accounts like Google Docs, Bigcommerce, and Shopify to Zapier as well. Once that's done, you can start integrating any number of apps!
The possibilities are endless, so try your hand at creating Zaps today with our
beta version.