Indie Author Tools: Creative Writing Software - EditionGuard

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Indie Author Tools: Creative Writing Software

Mitch Woodhead

October 1, 2015

writeitnowFiction indie authors can sometimes hit stumbling blocks that may hinder creativity, but creative writing software is designed to help propel your writing forward. There are several different types of creative writing software, but the primary purpose of the software is to spur your imagination and your creativity while helping you remain organized during the writing process. This, in turn, can help you write more efficiently and deliver your eBooks to your readers more often. One of the most highly recommended creative writing software tools on the market is WriteItNow. In addition to helping you build your eBook by providing a way to organize disparate thoughts and collect them in one place, the idea generator will help spur you on when you're stuck staring at a blank screen and need a little inspiration. As well, a character generator to help you create more fully developed characters. This tool will even let you rearrange chapters. Another highly versatile creative writing software tool  is MasterWriter. While this software is traditionally marketed to songwriters, it has an extensive library of words that help you create better dialogue and genuinely believable characters. The software includes more than 40,000 phrases, sayings, including pop culture references that lend authenticity to your characters. And because the software is marketed to songwriters, it contains more than 130,000 rhymes and rhyme phrases, making it perfect for poets, too. If you're struggling to fill in all of the details you need to make your eBook the next bestseller, creative writing software might be the answer.

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