Protect your eBook From Piracy - EditionGuard

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Protect your eBook From Piracy

Mitch Woodhead

May 24, 2016

Piracy is a big concern for indie authors. While eBooks offer convenience for distribution, their ease of accessibility also makes them a target for intellectual property theft. Although you can’t eliminate all actions of piracy within the eBook world, there are steps you can take to protect your rights as an author. Convert to Secure PDF One of the easiest things you can do to protect yourself against piracy is to convert your file to a secure PDF. When you convert your word file to a PDF version, you have the ability to make it secure by selecting options such as “restrict copying” and “restrict modification.” This quick step prevents many circumstances in which others may be able to profit from your hard work. Conduct Periodic Checks A simple internet search every now and again provides the benefit of bringing a stolen eBook to light. Suing may be your first impulse, but that can be a long and expensive process. A more appropriate option would be to contact the web hosting and payment provider, to request a cease and desist order. More often than not, these providers are able to shut down web sites and stop payments when you can offer proof that you are the sole owner and that stolen material is being distributed. Acquire DRM Software Although the secure PDFs and cease and desist orders can assist in the prevention of piracy, the best method of prevention is the use of a secure digital rights management (DRM) system. DRM systems used to be too expensive for indie authors and small publishers to afford, but EditionGuard has developed a comprehensive solution for smaller publishers and indie authors to put them on the same playing field with larger digital publishers. We do this by making Adobe’s advanced DRM system available to you at a fraction of the cost. By properly securing your eBook, you reap the credit and profits for your work and feel confident in choosing an eBook format versus print. Despite the risks, the ability to share your eBook an unlimited number of times outweighs the risk of piracy when these safeguards are taken. Try EditionGuard’s advanced DRM protection free for a month. Try EG Now

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