10 Powerful Tips to Write and Sell Your First eBook - EditionGuard

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10 Powerful Tips to Write and Sell Your First eBook

Mitch Woodhead

March 24, 2017

The following is a Guest Post by Sarah Smith of StartBloggingOnline
If you’ve always dreamt of becoming an eBook author, there’s no reason to keep postponing it. You can sit at your favorite coffee shop and brainstorm the idea and narrative flow of your first masterpiece. Even if you’re not an experienced writer, there are time-tested tips that you can employ to create and market your first eBook. First off, focus on the topic of your eBook. It can be autobiographical if you feel that there’s a valuable lesson or insight that your life story can impart to the readers. Telling your life humanizes you to your audience and helps them relate to the idea or concept that you are trying to explain. On the other hand, you can also write a book about something you’ve been successful at such as creating products by hand or decorating homes on a budget. Really, you can write an eBook about anything and as long as you make it interesting and inviting, people would go ahead and read. Once you’ve finished the book, have a professional copy editor look at it. You will also need an artist to do the layout and add some graphics in order to make the eBook more pleasing to the eye. Once everything is ready, create a launch of sorts. Write a press release or create a campaign on social media so that more people will know that your book is about to come out. When it’s ready for distribution, don’t hesitate to give a few copies away. This is a good way to establish trust and rapport with your audience. We have more tips on how to write and sell your first eBook. Do check out our well-researched and informative infographic to help you make your dreams of becoming an accomplished author come true!

10 Powerful Tips to Write and Sell Your First eBook (HowSBO)

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