3 Easy Steps for having your own eBook Website - EditionGuard

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3 Easy Steps for having your own eBook Website

Mitch Woodhead

July 22, 2013

Setting up a website for your ebook is not difficult. We have broken it down into a three-step process.

Step One: Obtain Your Domain

Whether you purchase your domain from GoDaddy or from a web host, choosing your domain name is one of the most critical aspects of the entire process. If your ebook title is available as a domain, the choice is easy. Alternatively, your name as a domain is perfect for an author site that can host several books. If neither of those is available, then a site name that reminds people of your book can work.

Step Two: Design the Website

Whether you use your hosts’ templates or install WordPress, designing the website is an easier task when you realize that an ebook site fares better when the site is clean, easy to navigate and not too cluttered. Don’t worry about adding a lot of widgets or extra material to your site; simply focus on describing your ebook and adding a few appropriate images.

Step Three: About the Author

Every ebook site should include a page about you: the author. This page allows you to share those details that help readers connect with you, transforming them from basic readers to adoring fans. Don’t be afraid to show your personality – or your picture. That’s all there is to it. Creating a website to market your ebook is a relatively painless process; sometimes we can make it more complicated than it needs to be. Follow these steps and keep your website simple.

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