4 eBook Mistakes to Avoid - EditionGuard

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4 eBook Mistakes to Avoid

Mitch Woodhead

June 18, 2015

Writing-An-Ebook-To-SellWhen you're writing your first eBook, mistakes are easy to make. Avoiding these four eBook mistakes, however, can help ensure that you're ready to greet your readers with your head held high.

eBook Mistake #1: Not Writing

The biggest eBook mistake of all is not writing. Whether you feel you're not a good enough writer or you're simply the world's best procrastinator, now is the time to write an eBook. The digital publishing industry is growing and the market is ripe for both fiction and non-fiction eBooks. All you need to do is sit down and write.

eBook Mistake #2: Editing Your Own Work

There are three areas in which EditionGuard strongly urges every eBook author to outsource: editing, proofreading, and cover design. Because you're writing the eBook and staring at the text all day long, you simply cannot be the best editor or proofreader for your eBook. It's worth hiring someone who specializes in those areas to help you.

eBook Mistake #3: Ignoring publishing and marketing

As an independent author, you are the writer, publisher, and marketer of your eBook. As you write, you must consider both the technical and the practical side of publishing eBooks to ensure that your eBook is ready to publish. Even before you publish the eBook, you should be aggressively marketing.

eBook Mistake #4: Skipping the Small Stuff

When it comes to your eBook, the small stuff makes all the difference. From a table of contents to an author bio at the end of the eBook, you need to take the time to provide the extras your reader is looking for. Don't forget links to your blog and social media, and don't be shy about asking them to recommend your eBook to others. There are so many opportunities for indie authors in today's market. Avoiding these mistakes will help. Get a free, 30-day trial of EditionGuard services.

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