4 eBook Types You Can Write and Publish Quickly - EditionGuard

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4 eBook Types You Can Write and Publish Quickly

Mitch Woodhead

September 23, 2013

By now almost everyone understands the benefits of publishing an ebook, but it’s also an idea that continues to be postponed because there is always something else that takes priority or there simply isn’t enough time in a day. But writing an ebook doesn’t have to be difficult. There are several types of ebooks you can write and publish quickly. Try one of these four: 1. Quote Books Whether you’re trying to inspire someone or encourage spiritual meditation, combining a variety of quotes into an ebook is a great way to publish quickly. Enhance your ebook by including graphics, an index or a list of quoted people, and you’ll be well on your way to making that first sale. 2. Advice Books Creating books that have a list of tips in them are popular and very easy to write and publish quickly. Whether you have 101 uses for vinegar that you want to share or 27 ways to use leftover hamburger, people love ebooks like these. 3. Books Based on a List Similar to a book of advice, a book based on a list can be very simple to put together. From a book that has 365 different ways to show someone you love them to a book of 1,000 reasons to smile, the options for quickly creating an ebook based on a list are almost endless. 4. Recipe Books Another very easy ebook to create is a recipe book. From your grandmother’s secret recipe for chewy chocolate chip cookies to the secret ingredient you add to your delicious spaghetti sauce, a recipe ebook is easy to write and publish. There are a number of other ebook types that you can write and publish quickly. Once you start writing, you may never want to stop!

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