4 Skills Every Successful eBook Author Has - EditionGuard

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4 Skills Every Successful eBook Author Has

Mitch Woodhead

October 27, 2015

home-office-336377_1280We work with several authors, and there are four traits we believe every successful eBook author has. These are not necessarily traits that are inherent in the author, but rather skills that are learned, developed, and honed over time - often through trial by fire. If you are driven to succeed as an eBook author, building these skills will help. Humility and a Desire for the Best Possible Quality Successful eBook authors understand that no matter how well they write, a second pair of professional eyes is required for a better eBook. They not only seek out editorial guidance but welcome it. The Ability to See the Big Picture without Getting Lost in It Successful eBook authors have a clear vision of the big picture, whether it's in regards to each eBook their writing or the overall strategy they're taking. They don't get so lost in thinking about the big picture that they forget to take the small steps required to get there. Discipline and the Ability to Avoid Distraction Successful eBook authors have the discipline required to put in steady hours at their craft without having a boss or manager telling them they must. They are capable of avoiding distraction and buckling down for at least a few hours every day to make progress on they are writing. The Tenacity to Write Every Day A successful eBook author recognizes that not every day of writing is glamorous or fun, but they write anyway. Again, it's that ability to see the big picture that keeps them going. Do you have the skills required to be a successful eBook author?

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