5 Ways to Create Compelling Content for Your eBook Website - EditionGuard

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5 Ways to Create Compelling Content for Your eBook Website

Mitch Woodhead

July 26, 2013

Whether you market your ebook from its own website or sales page or whether you simply blog about it on an existing site, the most important thing you can do to improve your ebook’s visibility is to create compelling content.
  1. contentDraw people in with bold fonts, bright colors and big thoughts. Start your page with something that grabs the reader’s attention, whether it’s a compelling question or a bold statement.
  2. Make it clear how to buy the book. If you have an ecommerce store, be sure you include an “add to cart” link multiple times throughout the page. Make your book easy to buy.
  3. Include a thorough description. Think about the kinds of words people would use to search for your book or a similar book, and then use those words to describe the book.
  4. Include an excerpt. People like to try before they buy. By including a short excerpt from your book, you can gain your reader’s trust in you and your writing.
  5. Include an “about the author” page. Readers love to connect with the person behind the book, so make yourself accessible. Maintain a blog and include an interesting bio. Offer your readers ways to connect with you, whether it’s via social media or hosted chats. Let them get to know you. And include a few zany facts about yourself.
By adding a bit of compelling content to your website, you can not only increase sales for your current ebook but also develop a following that will be watching closely for your next release.

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