Accept PayPal to Sell More eBooks - EditionGuard

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Accept PayPal to Sell More eBooks

Mitch Woodhead

October 23, 2015

logo-20141Once you have written, proofed, edited, and published your eBook, as well as added an excellent cover design, you need to sell your eBook, and accepting PayPal can greatly increase the chances of a purchase being completed. One company reported a 33.7-percent increase in sales by offering PayPal, while another survey reported that more than 50 percent of consumers will abandon the purchase if their preferred payment method is not offered. According to the Australian web design company, Wiliam, "If you have an e-commerce site and are contemplating adding pay pal as an option then do it. Over 50% of online shoppers abandon their shopping cart before checking out. The only way to grow your business online is to increase your conversion rate and push through more sales. Trust is one of the most important hindrances online, without it sales will be affected. Paypal is trusted." We've developed a quick and easy way for EditionGuard subscribers to sell eBooks on their websites and accept PayPal payments. You can also access PayPal's "add payment button to your website" instructions from here: Note: You will need to sign up for a Premier or Business PayPal account to access payments you receive and to allow your buyers to pay with their credit cards.

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