As an indie author or publisher, you’d have to have a New York Times bestseller to be able to justify investing in Adobe Content Server. Adobe comes with a license fee of $25,000 per year. Most indie authors can’t deliver the ROI necessary to make that a wise investment.
Making Adobe Content Server Affordable
But what if you could have the power and security of the Adobe Content Server for a fraction of the cost? And what if the investment you make in DRM is offset by the dollars you save in preventing unauthorized theft of your ebook? Years ago, EditionGuard set out to level the playing field for indie authors and small publishing houses. We did this by making Adobe Content Server more accessible. That is why today, anyone – professor, author, publishing house, university, or corporation – can have the benefit of Adobe’s enterprise-grade security for a fraction of the price.
What Does the EditionGuard Platform Offer?
The EditionGuard platform provides you with robust tools to protect and fulfill all your digital documents, ebooks, pdfs and eLearning content. We accomplish this with our enterprise grade DRM solutions. In addition to a core app, we provide robust API, plug-ins, and custom integrations. At EditionGuard, we provide you the most advanced encryption and access control technology in the industry. As an Adobe partner, we’ve worked with the technology for more than a decade. In doing so, we have made it convenient for businesses of all sizes to get started easily and affordably with simple integrations.
EditionGuard Is an Adobe Partner
We are an official Adobe partner operating on the Adobe® Content Server (“ACS”). As ACS is the preeminent enterprise-grade, industry-standard DRM software solution, our goal is to make it accessible. It protects PDF, EPUB and MOBI files. Because setting up and managing your own ACS can be costly and time-consuming, we simplify the process. For most businesses, the initial license cost can be $25,000-$50,000. As a result, it’s prohibitive. EditionGuard has rolled that cost into our monthly pricing, allowing businesses, universities, indie authors, and publishers the ability to get started with little risk. The average EditionGuard customer saves more than $50,000 USD in up-front licensing fees.
Adobe Content Server Is the Industry Standard
EditionGuard brings the gold standard of Adobe DRM to you. More than that, our team of IT pros works diligently in the background to manage servers, maintenance, and end-user support. While you may not be able to justify the spend on a $25-50,000 license with ACS, you can easily prove the value and ROI of an investment with EditionGuard. Best of all, you can try it risk free with a 14-day trial.