Are you struggling with Adobe DRM vs Readium LCP? We’ve been talking a lot lately about Readium LCP. That’s because we are really excited to provide yet another alternative for our publishers and authors. While Adobe Content Service is the gold standard of DRM, and being their partner allows us to bring their world-class offering to you at a fraction of the cost, it’s not the perfect fit for everyone. Readium LCP offers a solution that was developed by publishers for publishers. There is a depth of knowledge in the design that lends itself well to publishers, schools, libraries, and indie authors.
How Do I Know Which DRM to Choose?
While the decision about which DRM to choose often is reliant on the type of audience you’re trying to attract, there are some distinctions worth exploring. In this article, we explore the main differences between the two. When comparing Adobe DRM vs Readium LCP, the two options have many similarities: they both have high levels of security, and active DRM, but there are differences.
Adobe DRM vs Readium LCP Differences
Adobe remains the most popular DRM available, with security that is second to none. However, Readium may provide options for a better user experience that Adobe can’t.
Readium LCP is less expensive than Adobe Content Service (ACS). This is a result of it being an open-source development and not a proprietary, hosted service. Readium costs less, but updates and new features are reliant on the Readium community to be developed.
Supported Files
Adobe DRM is built for EPUB. Readium also supports EPUB 2 and 3, including embedded audio and video. However, it also supports Readium Packaged Web Publications (audiobooks and DiViNa). Alternatively, Adobe supports PDF security, which may be essential for some schools and businesses.
Vendor Neutrality
Readium LCP is a nonprofit organization and vendor neutral. The result is the ability to develop custom reader apps as well as lower costs.
Print/Copy Control
Readium allows you to control most of the printing and copying options for your ebooks, but Adobe offers you complete control. Depending on your audience and your need for security, Adobe may be necessary to meet your needs.
Compatible Reader Apps
Adobe DRM can only be used with its proprietary app, required any reader to create an Adobe account and download the app. Readium not only works on most apps but is open source so that new reader apps can be developed for specific audiences or publishers.
When it comes to Adobe vs Readium LCM, there are advantages to each DRM solution. In order to choose you need to know your audience. Both Adobe and Readium are available through EditionGuard. You can request a free trial here.