Anatomy of an Author Blog, Part Two - EditionGuard

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Anatomy of an Author Blog, Part Two

Mitch Woodhead

January 30, 2015

We’ve been discussing the importance of an author blog for indie authors. Last time, we talked about the tools you need behind the scene to make your blog function well. Today, we’ll discuss the anatomy of author blog content that will help your blog be more successful. Content While everyone tells indie authors that they can use their blog to sell eBooks, you can’t use your blog as a blunt instrument that just says over and over again, “buy my eBook.” Your blog should be a window into your life, personality, and art. Share parts of yourself that your readers will enjoy. Title Whenever you’re writing, whether it’s a blog, an article in a magazine or even an email, the subject line is the most important element. People decide whether or not to keep going based on the subject line, so it’s easy to lose half your audience before you even get started. Body People read best online (whether they’re accessing your blog from a phone, tablet, or computer) when paragraphs are broken up and there are subheadings to keep them reading. Be sure to design your blog to be easy to read by doing this. What should you write on your indie author blog? Write about you. Write about your experiences. Write about traveling. Write about the authors who influenced you. Write about writing. Write about the experience of self-publishing. Write about other hobbies you have besides writing. Share small vignettes into your life. Write about anything. Just don’t write “Please buy my eBook.” Call to Action At the end of every blog, you can include a little bio that has a link to your eBooks. Only in this subtle, non-pushy way should you mention your eBooks in your blog. Your blog should be a way to share a piece of yourself with your readers, a way for them to get to know you. Do you have an author blog? Share your blog with us on our Facebook page.

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