Anyone Can Be an Indie Author - EditionGuard

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Anyone Can Be an Indie Author

Mitch Woodhead

May 3, 2016

writer-1129708_640You probably don’t realize it yet, but you may already be an indie author in the making - and writing an eBook as an indie author may be easier than you think. Things you do in everyday life are proof that you are more than capable of writing both fiction and non-fiction; you simply have to get it on paper. Whether you already have experience as a blogger, or you’re just getting started as a writer, there are some life lessons to remember as you journey through writing. Recall the Experiences That You Have Shared "Write what you know," said Mark Twain. If you’re questioning what you have to offer in an eBook, think about the knowledge you offer throughout your daily life: the moments when you offered advice to someone, that they found incredibly helpful; the times when you have taught others; the stories you’ve told that left friends laughing or crying. Teaching is the basis of many non-fiction eBooks, and storytelling is the basis of every fiction eBook. Poor English Grades do not Make You an Inferior Writer You can be an indie author even if you didn’t score well on that essay in English class. If you can speak, you can write. Your grammar and spelling can be an easy excuse to avoid writing, but it’s a poor one, because that’s what editors and proofreaders can help focus your content and clean up your writing. If you feel you need practice writing, then the act of writing is exactly how you’re going to improve. Yet there are some indie authors who skip the writing altogether. If you are more comfortable speaking, then record your eBook before you pen it to paper, or hire a transcription service to convert your recorded material. There are many different ways to be a writer. There’s More to Being an Indie Author than Just Writing There is more involved in being an indie author than the actual task of writing. To grow your audience (and your income), you may find yourself lecturing, consulting, or offering courses. Being an indie author can provide you with diverse opportunities and new experiences. Anyone can be an indie author. Your life has already given you something to write about.    

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