April eBook News from Around the World - EditionGuard

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April eBook News from Around the World

Mitch Woodhead

April 12, 2016

ebook mrgEditionGuard is committed to supporting indie authors and publishing companies who have a desire to control their own eBooks and profit margins. We provide ongoing tips for indie authors and advanced technology to support self-publishers and small publishing companies so that they can have access to the same robust publishing and sales solutions available to bigger companies. From more library access to self-publishing for more profit, we bring you the eBook news you need to know. OverDrive Adds 500 New Publishers “Publishers can take advantage of OverDrive’s EPUB3 support to drive sales in new markets,” said Alexis Petric-Black, OverDrive’s Manager of Publisher Services. “We’re the only library and school distributor that can work with enhanced eBooks using open standards that display children’s picture books as the author and publisher intended.” Read more. New report projects US eBook market to reach $13B by 2020 The nonfiction segment includes genres such as biography and autobiography, essay, narrative nonfiction, and textbooks. Nonfiction e-books are priced higher than other categories, and owing to this factor, the nonfiction e-book category dominated the market in 2015 with a share of 39.59%.  Read more. Self-Published Ebooks Made Up 22 Percent Of Ebook Sales In 2015 Although self-publishing sometimes gets a bad rap, it seems that readers are really coming around to self-published books. In the UK, 22 percent of ebook sales came from self-published books in 2015. And in fact, while traditionally published ebook sales were slightly down from the year before, self-published ebooks only gained in popularity. Read more. Self-Publishing Platforms Deemed Distributors, Not Publishers in Privacy Suit over Unauthorized Book Cover This past month, an Ohio district court ruled that several online self-publishing services were not liable for right of publicity or privacy claims for distributing an erotic (and so-called “less than tasteful”) book whose cover contained an unauthorized copy of the plaintiffs’ engagement photo because such services are not publishers. Read more. EditionGuard provides you freedom with eBook selling tools that are easy to use and customize, built on top of an industry standard DRM system for security. Now you can sell eBooks the way that makes you happy, without having to give up on your profits. Try EditionGuard free for 30 days.

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