Why Audiobooks Can Help You Stand Apart - EditionGuard

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Why Audiobooks Can Help You Stand Apart

Mitch Woodhead

October 10, 2014

There are at least 2.5 million eBooks available on Amazon. There are only 150,000 books on Audible. There is simply no easier way to stand apart from the crowd. As more and more people try their hand at indie publishing, even niche categories are becoming saturated. It’s more and more difficult to compete and often takes the assistance of a savvy marketer to help.

How to Make Audiobooks

There are inexpensive options available to help you transform your eBook into an audiobook. Voices.com can connect you with a vocal talent who will narrate your book. Common Mode Inc. offers a variety of services for indie authors who want to publish audiobooks. Amazon’s ACX also offers audiobook services, but indie authors choosing this option lose up to 50% of their royalties. You can hire a service to prepare your audiobook, but it may be more cost-effective to invest in the software and equipment you’ll need to create them yourself. Michael Kozlowski offers great advice on different audiobook services as well as instructions on how to create your own audiobook.

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