Avoiding Writer’s Block - EditionGuard

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Avoiding Writer’s Block

Mitch Woodhead

March 30, 2016

writer's blockWriter’s block is likely something that every writer dreads. It strikes at the most inconvenient times and is common for any level of writer. Fortunately, writer’s block doesn’t last forever. Like any obstacle, it can be overcome, and you can then be well on your way to finishing a winner of an eBook. Here are some ideas that may help you hurdle writer's block when it gets in your way. Never Stop at the End of a Chapter A blank page is the hardest place to start. When you’re in the mode of writing and you’ve got a great thing going, don’t leave yourself a blank page to start with for the next day. The beginning or middle of a chapter gives you an easy place to branch off from. Even if all you do is write the first sentence of the next chapter, you’ll have somewhere definite to get your inspiration flowing again. Trust Yourself While you should expect the best out of your writing, it’s okay to manage your own expectations as a writer. Your initial draft may seem awkward and and poorly written. But writing is something you are completely capable of, and self-doubt is where writer’s block can creep in. Don’t second-guess everything you type; let those words flow and worry about editing later. Get Rid of Negativity Another potential cause of writer’s block is negativity. If there are people who are less than supportive of your role as a writer, you either have to learn to ignore them or find ways to avoid them entirely. By surrounding yourself with positive people that support you and your writing endeavors, you’ll find that words hit the page much more easily. You have enough doubt in your own head as it is (as referenced in the previous tip), so you certainly don’t need the doubt of others. There may be moments when you can’t completely avoid writer’s block, but you can help yourself out by avoiding common triggers. You can set yourself up for success by staying confident and making sure there is always something on the page, or in your outline, to keep you going.  

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