Establishing credibility as an author is an important step in being able to quit your day job and write full time. To be willing to spend their hard-earned money on your eBooks, readers have to have trust in you. There are many ways you can establish that credibility:
- Provide high-quality, fully-developed work
Whether you’re writing a blog to stay connected with your readers while they await the next installment in your eBook series or you’re publishing the eBook itself, be willing to write well. Put in the effort to provide fully developed stories; if you write non-fiction, present your facts in an informative, well-researched way. Demonstrate to your readers that you are working hard for them.
- Don’t short-change your eBook cover
We’ve talked quite often about the need for a professional eBook cover for your eBook, but when it comes to establishing your credibility as an author, the cover is crucial. If it looks like you took a shortcut, did it yourself, or copied someone else, you will lose esteem in the eyes of your readers.
- Price fairly
You will lose credibility if you price your eBook too high, but even more so if you price your eBook too low. Certain publishers would have you believe that the best sale price for an eBook is for free or for 99 cents, but the truth is, price gives the perception of quality. Price your eBook too low and you lose credibility.