Building Relationships: Ghostwriters - EditionGuard

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Building Relationships: Ghostwriters

Mitch Woodhead

June 9, 2016

writer-1421099_1920Do you have a great eBook idea but have little or no time to write? Do you have a book outline but need to keep bringing in an income until your eBook takes off? There is only so much time in your day, and sometimes, the best way to make sure your eBook actually gets written is to hire and build a relationship with a professional ghostwriter. Consider this a Partnership The relationship you have with your ghostwriter is likely going to be your closest. A good ghostwriter is capable of learning your voice and using your words, not theirs. Everything a ghostwriter creates will be published with your name listed as the author; therefore, you want what he or she writes to accurately replicate your own writing. In order for this to happen, you need to develop a partnership with the ghostwriter you have selected. Make Yourself Available To build relationships with ghostwriters, recognize that the work is a collaboration, not an outsourced task. Make yourself available to answer questions, to spend time on the phone or in person with the ghostwriter, so he or she can learn your voice. The ghostwriter is representing you, so at the end of the day, the quality will still be your responsibility. While you trust in your ghostwriter to handle most things, a good relationship requires that the ghostwriter can trust you to step in when needed and provide guidance. Have Gratitude Ghostwriters are paid to produce work with no credit given, and that is well-understood as part of their profession. However, they are the only members of your team that may not be given public thanks (some authors are happy to give credit to the ghostwriter, but they are often well-known celebrities, not indie authors trying to build an audience). Offer thanks privately and frequently. Making sure that your ghostwriter feels appreciated is crucial to developing a good relationship, which will result in your ghostwriter being willing to invest more effort in your success. Building strong professional relationships with others in the writing and publishing industry will help you greatly along the way as an indie author. Best of all, these collaborations making the entire experience of being an indie author more fulfilling. Read our guide on choosing the right ghostwriter.

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