Can Free eBooks Result in More Sales? - EditionGuard

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Can Free eBooks Result in More Sales?

Mitch Woodhead

July 16, 2014

One of the benefits of offering something for free is that people are more willing to take risks on something they don’t have to pay for. Yes, you have worked hard writing your eBook, so allowing people to read your work way for free may feel painful. However, if you’re trying to build a loyal following that will stick around for – and buy – future eBooks, then giving your initial offering away for free can pay off in the long run. One of the biggest benefits of offering your eBook for free is that you can often reach a wider audience. If you typically only have readers in the mystery category, free eBooks often cross over to audiences who would normally prefer thriller or detective novels. They may be willing to take a risk on your eBook because it’s not costing them anything but time. If you choose to give away an eBook, don’t just list it as free and walk away. Use your free offer as a way to:
  • Capture leads
  • Create a fan base
  • Generate reviews
  • Hook readers for future installments
  • Build a community with your eBook readers
If you’ve written a long novel or non-fiction eBook into which you’ve invested too much time and money to justify it giving it away, that’s okay. Use your talents to create something you can give away for free: a workbook that complements the guide you wrote, or a novella that fills in the details of a side story in your fiction eBook.

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