Can I Improve My eBook Sales by Giving Away eBooks? - EditionGuard

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Can I Improve My eBook Sales by Giving Away eBooks?

Mitch Woodhead

January 16, 2014

While it may seem counter intuitive to give away an eBook you are trying to make money selling, reserving a segment of your budget for giving away eBooks can actually help you improve eBook sales overall. There are a variety of tactics that work well for giving away eBooks, but we like the following:
  1. Make your eBook free for a limited time – a day or a week – to generate interest and buzz about the ebook. This can also help you garner attention from others who promote free eBooks and will definitely provide you with some word-of-mouth marketing.
  2. Make it free for reviewers and bloggers. Because word-of-mouth marketing is so important, eBook reviews are too. Give your eBook to bloggers free of charge, as well as other authors who are willing to review the eBook and share a link to your sales page.
  3. Give away a free copy of your first eBook, as a means to sell your second eBook. If you are trying to market a second or subsequent eBook, offer your first eBook as an incentive for purchasing the new title.
  4. Always make your eBook available to your public library; it can be a great source of visibility.
Do you give your eBooks away? How does it work for you?

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