Collaborating on an eBook - EditionGuard

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Collaborating on an eBook

Mitch Woodhead

September 16, 2013

If the thought of writing an entire ebook on your own is overwhelming, consider the idea of collaborating on an ebook with another writer or even with several writers. collabThere are a number of advantages to collaboration; you will have:
  • Built-in proofreaders for each other’s content
  • Someone to bounce ideas off of when you have a creative roadblock
  • Double the reach when it’s time to market the book
  • The ability to leverage each other’s technical, creative and marketing talents
Collaborating with another indie author does not have to be difficult. In fact, thanks to the multitude of online collaboration and communication tools, you don’t have to live in the same city, or even the same country, to create an ebook together. To ensure that you and your fellow collaborators have success in your endeavor, be sure to come to an agreement before you begin exchanging ideas. Be sure you address rights and copyright issues, percentages of revenue you’ll each receive, how much each of you will invest in marketing and other tactical details. You’ll even want to make sure that you collectively agree whose name should come first on the byline and how strict you will want to be with public speaking engagements and other promotional events. While you do have to use caution and be sure your intellectual property is protected both before and after publication, collaborating on an ebook can be an exciting and wonderful opportunity.

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