Collaboration Tools for Indie Authors - EditionGuard

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Collaboration Tools for Indie Authors

Mitch Woodhead

May 9, 2014

Are you interested in collaborating on an eBook with another indie author? Combining your talents and efforts with a colleague can help you publish better works and more often. There are a number of tools you can use to make collaborating easier. Here are our favorite collaboration tools for indie authors: Google Docs Not only is Google Docs the easiest place to write your eBook, it is also the easiest way to share and collaborate on an eBook. You may have to set up your Google Drive. Once you complete that step, then your book can be shared with fellow writers, editors and proofreaders so that everyone is working on the same document. You can control whether or not the person with whom you’ve shared your work can edit or just comment, and you can track changes made. Skype Skype has certainly transformed the world of business communications, but it is also a tool that can benefit indie author collaborators as well. Chatting, brainstorming, working through plot issues: It’s all easier (and less expensive) when the phone time is free. Desktop Sharing Sometimes the best way to collaborate is to look at your eBook together. But if you and your co-writer do not live in the same town, that can be difficult, unless you use desktop sharing software. You can share your screen in Skype, but you can also use, which can be especially useful if you have more than two people working together. What collaboration tools do you find helpful? Let us know!

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