Comprehensive eBook Planning: Follow-Up - EditionGuard

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Comprehensive eBook Planning: Follow-Up

Mitch Woodhead

December 1, 2014

The final step in comprehensive eBook planning: follow-up. Start by collecting links to press releases, interviews, and blog articles about you and your eBook, and create a media page on your website.

EditionGuard Comprehensive eBook Planning: Follow-Up

Measure how well your efforts have paid off. You’ll need the following information:
  • Sales, broken down by day or by week
  • Dates specific marketing efforts occurred, comparing those against generated sales
  • Google analytics, to measure traffic to your website
You can analyze book sales, to determine what types of marketing campaigns were most effective and where you should budget future marketing funds. You can also measure how much your digital reach is growing. Try searching for yourself on Google to see what kind of results come up. Do the same with your book title. Continue to monitor your progress and growth over time. Some eBooks quickly gain popularity; others take time to reach their intended audience. If your eBook sales are slow or non-existent, you may need to hire a marketing specialist or publicist to help you. It will also help if you are working on additional titles (whether part of the same series or not). Here are some additional resources to help you fire up your sales: Can I improve my #eBooksales by giving away #eBooks? Indie Writer Question: Do I have time to publish an ebook before the holidays? Can video marketing increase your ebook sales? If your New Year's resolution is to sell more ebooks, start here Improving #ebook visibility. An EditionGuard special series How #socialmedia improves #eBook sales Marketing your #eBook on #Pinterest Marketing your #eBook on #LinkedIN Marketing your #eBook on #Facebook Marketing your #eBook on #Google+ Marketing your #eBook on #Twitter Free #marketing for your #eBook

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