Comprehensive eBook Planning: When You Publish - EditionGuard

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Comprehensive eBook Planning: When You Publish

Mitch Woodhead

November 24, 2014

To continue your comprehensive eBook planning, there are many factors to consider when you publish your eBook.

EditionGuard eBook Planning Guide: Stage Four - When You Publish Your eBook

The most important factor is pricing. Pricing your eBook can be challenging, but it is important to keep in mind that readers have an expectation (and rightfully so) that eBook prices will be lower than print book prices because of the lower overhead. Once you know how soon the eBook will be published, you can begin to take preorders for it. Continue to conduct author interviews, post to social media platforms and to your blog, and market your eBook using a variety of different venues and sources. If your eBook is part of a series, you can also market the previous and upcoming eBooks in the series. Create excitement and engagement in your eBook by hosting contests to giveaway copies of your eBooks. As you are publishing your eBook, you can begin working on your next eBook – starting again with step one – even as you finish the final steps for the current eBook. Our only caution to you is to never sacrifice quality. Take the time to write well, hire the support you need to turn out an excellent product (cover designer, proofreader, editor, marketer, potentially even a ghostwriter), and never stop working to make yourself visible online. Next time, we will discuss the comprehensive eBook planning steps you can take after you have published your eBook.

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