Comprehensive eBook Planning: After You Publish - EditionGuard

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Comprehensive eBook Planning: After You Publish

Mitch Woodhead

November 26, 2014

While you might think that publishing your eBook brings you to the end of your comprehensive eBook planning, it does not. In fact, after you publish your eBook, the hard work really begins, especially for those authors who want to eventually support themselves completely with the eBooks they write.

EditionGuard Comprehensive eBook Planning: Stage Five - After You Publish

Your marketing efforts should truly kick into high gear once your eBook is published. There are a number of paid and free sites that you can leverage for marketing your eBook, depending on how you price your eBook. You can also begin planning specific events to occur at the moment of publication and just after you publish. Begin by planning a number of eBook marketing events, or work closely with your publicist who can coordinate and plan them for you. These events include: Once you’ve published your eBook, it’s important to continue blogging and remaining visible on social media. Track and record all of the efforts you make so that you know what works well (and what doesn’t), so that you can make detailed marketing plans for your next book. Next time, we will discuss the final step in comprehensive eBook planning: the follow-up.

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