Comprehensive eBook Planning: Before You Write - EditionGuard

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Comprehensive eBook Planning: Before You Write

Mitch Woodhead

November 13, 2014

eBook planning begins long before you actually write your eBook. If you have already started writing, it’s important to accomplish these steps as quickly as possible. Many of the things you need to do before you begin writing your eBook prepare you to effectively market your eBook.

EditionGuard eBook Planning Guide: Stage One - Before You Write

During preliminary eBook planning, the first steps you should take before writing your eBook are to secure your online author identity:
  • Purchase a domain, such as If you have a common name like “Dave Smith,” making it virtually impossible to obtain, consider alternate domain names, such as or
  • Secure the social media accounts in your author name, to include Twitter, Facebook (personal and author pages), Google+ (personal and author pages), Instagram, Pinterest, Tumblr, SoundCloud, and LinkedIn. Even if you will not use them all right away, you want your identity online to be secured so that each platform has a similar name.
  • Consider these social networking sites recommended by Mashable as additional sources of inspiration and support.
It doesn’t matter if you are writing using your own name or a pen name; you simply need to own your online identity. The next step in eBook planning is to outline your eBook. An outline is a map that helps you move forward with your writing at a steady pace. During this preliminary eBook planning phase, you may also want to begin shopping around for cover designers, editors and proofreaders, and marketing partners. Next time, we will discuss the comprehensive eBook planning steps you can take while you write your eBook.

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