Comprehensive eBook Planning: While You Write - EditionGuard

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Comprehensive eBook Planning: While You Write

Mitch Woodhead

November 17, 2014

Comprehensive eBook planning continues as you write your eBook. While your primary focus should be on writing, you will also need to begin working on marketing your eBook. If you have not hired an eBook marketing partner to help you, the time to do so is when you are in the process of writing.

EditionGuard Indie Author eBook Planning Guide

The earlier you can pique the interest of readers in your eBook, the better. While you are writing your eBook, you can also: Writing your eBook may take you weeks or it may take you years. If you are having trouble finishing the eBook, you may want to consider a ghostwriter to help you achieve your goals. During the writing phase, however, you can establish yourself as a serious indie author, network with other indie authors, learn more about the craft of eBook writing, and pay attention to shifts and changes in the indie digital publishing industry. If you missed part one of the EditionGuard Comprehensive eBook Planning Guide,  find it here. Next time, we will discuss the comprehensive eBook planning steps you can take after you write your eBook.

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