Comprehensive eBook Planning: After You Write - EditionGuard

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Comprehensive eBook Planning: After You Write

Mitch Woodhead

November 19, 2014

After you write your eBook, there are several steps you need to take before you publish it. The comprehensive eBook planning never stops.
  1. In-depth editing of your eBook
  2. Line-by-line proofreading of your eBook
  3. eBook formatting
  4. Finishing your cover design
  5. Converting your eBook to the digital publishing file types you need (EPUB, PDF, etc)
  6. Continued marketing of your eBook

EditionGuard's eBook Planning Guide: Stage Three - After You Write Your eBook

After you write your eBook, you have a unique opportunity to market your eBook and help build interest in your book even before you publish it. From conducting author interviews with various bloggers to creating an author profile on author sites like World Literary Cafe, you can begin to promote your author identity and generate excitement about your upcoming eBook. You should also request reviews from established bloggers and book reviewers, many of whom will allow you to use portions of their review on your website as long as you link back to them. Next time, we’ll talk about the comprehensive eBook planning steps you can take when you publish your eBook. More resources for indie authors: Stop making excuses and write your #eBook! WordPress Plugins for #indieauthors WordPress Plugins for #indieauthors part 2 Write your first #eBook! Get started here. Write your first #eBook - ideas to tell your story Write your first #eBook - use a template Write your first #eBook - create an anthology You've written an #eBook - now what? Before you publish your #eBook

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