Connect with Readers, Part 2: Out in the World - EditionGuard

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Connect with Readers, Part 2: Out in the World

Mitch Woodhead

March 26, 2015

It's important for indie authors to connect with readers, both virtually and in person. Even if you're only publishing electronically, you are not made of bits and bytes, and building a loyal readership that will buy your eBooks and recommend them to others begins with being accessible to your readers. While there are a number of ways you can stay connected with readers online, occasionally you'll need to close down the laptop and venture out into the sunlight to meet and greet your readers in person. Try these five ideas for getting out in the world to connect with readers: 1. Host a reading at your public library. We encourage indie authors to work with local libraries on a regular basis. Your local community can be one of the biggest supports to you, and you can enhance that community support by building a relationship with your library. 2. Host a writing workshop. Many of your readers may have the desire to write themselves. You can establish yourself as the resident expert, connect with more potential fans, and share your experience by hosting a writing workshop or teaching a class at your local community center, college, or public library. 3. Participate in a writer's conference. Writer's conferences take place all across the country, so it should not be hard to find one that fits your schedule and your style. It's a great place to connect with other writers as well as connect with readers. Wikipedia has a fairly exhaustive list of conferences that take place around the world. How are you planning to connect with your readers out in the world this year?

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