The Cover Reveal - EditionGuard

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The Cover Reveal

Mitch Woodhead

August 8, 2014

Building Excitement for Your Upcoming eBook

If you will be publishing your eBook within the next few months, there are many things you can do to market your eBook and build excitement before the eBook is launched. One of the ways you can build buzz and excitement is by holding a cover reveal event.

 Make Your Cover Reveal Event a Success

To ensure that your cover reveal event is a success, you must ensure these three things: 1. Your cover image needs to really rock. Make sure your image is high quality, looks fabulous, reflects what your eBook is about and loads properly. 2. Use the cover reveal to communicate with potential readers. Make sure readers know when the book is out and where they will be able to buy it. 3. Sell your eBook. Getting your reader’s attention with a cover reveal event is your primary objective, but once you have their attention, you need to give them something to make them want to buy your eBook, so share an excerpt from the eBook and other details to help entice them.

Where to Host Your Cover Reveal

Unless you know all of your readers are coming to you from one location, we recommend hosting the cover reveal on all of your platforms. Just time your event so that it launches everywhere at the same time: your website, your Facebook page, your Google+ page, your LinkedIn page, on Instagram and Pinterest and wherever else you to go regularly. Be sure to build excitement in the days leading up to the reveal. Send a note to your newsletter subscribers; hold a countdown, or even slowly reveal pieces of the cover over a few days. Remember: The idea is to build excitement. Next time, we’ll talk about soliciting editorial reviews for your eBook.

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