Creating an eBook for a Variety of Different Devices: Using Images

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Creating an eBook for Different Devices: Using Images

Mitch Woodhead

May 1, 2013

When you are writing a book that will be print published, you control everything about how the book will appear for the reader, including the size of the font and the size of the page. When you are an ebook author creating an ebook, you have no control over what device your reader will use to read your book, making ebook formatting is quite different. In fact, in the digital publishing world, what you write will be seen on a variety of different devices with different screen sizes and different capabilities. Users can increase the font size or change the rotation of their device from landscape to portrait.

In a series of posts, we will discuss how to format your ebook readable on any device; images is the subject of this first post of the series.

Because images can enhance the quality of the message you are sharing, they are often a valuable addition to your ebook. If you’re writing a memoir, you may want to include images from your childhood. If you’re writing a how-to book, images are critical to getting the message across. Unlike print books, however, you must make sure your images are properly aligned and include the necessary meta information.

In our next post, we’ll discuss the importance of writing so that your words can be read on any device.

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